* This transcript was created by voice-to-text technology. The transcript has not been edited for errors or omissions, it is for reference only and is not the official minutes of the meeting. YEAH, [2. Call Meeting to Order] [00:00:02] WE'RE GOING TO GO AHEAD AND GET STARTED. LIKE TO WELCOME EVERYONE OUT. TODAY'S DATE IS DECEMBER 7TH, 2021. WE'RE HERE FOR A WORKSHOP THAT'S BEING HELD AT LANCASTER ISD ADMINISTRATION, BUILDING BOARD AUDITORIUM AT 4 22 SOUTH SINNER AVENUE, LANCASTER, TEXAS 75 1 4 6. TIME IS 5:36 PM. AT THIS TIME I WILL CALL ROLE TO ENSURE THAT A QUORUM IS PRESENT. MR. SMITH HERE, MS. MORRIS PRESENT. MR. JONES, MYSELF WAS PRESENT. WE HAVE TRUSTEE STEVENSON ON ZOOM WITH US TONIGHT. ABSENT TONIGHT IS MS. MAYS AND MS. DAVIS, HEY, QUORUM HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. I'VE HEARD. DO WE HAVE ANY CITIZENS COMMUNICATIONS? WE DO NOT. OKAY. [Closed Session] OKAY. AT THIS TIME, THE BOARD IS GOING TO GO INTO A CLOSED SESSION AND WE'LL GO INTO CLOSED SESSION OF THE TEXAS MEETING. UH, OPEN MEETINGS ACT UNDER CLOSED SESSION MEETING TO DISCUSS WITH OUR ATTORNEY UNDER 5 5, 1 0.071 CONSULTATION WITH OUR ATTORNEY. THE TIME IS 5:37 PM. * This transcript was created by voice-to-text technology. The transcript has not been edited for errors or omissions, it is for reference only and is not the official minutes of the meeting.